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Ecology Surveys & Preliminary Ecological Appraisals

Our ecology surveys identify the presence or likely absence of protected species within a site. This enables mitigation to be devised to ensure all work is done in accordance with legislation, therefore avoiding possible prosecution.

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Almost all development sites have the potential to support protected species. Identifying ecological constraints early in the development planning process via an ecological survey for planning can help avoid costly delays and complications later on.

Early recognition of ecological enhancement opportunities can also pay dividends if they align with wider biodiversity policies and objectives. Sustainable development principles acknowledge the need to improve biodiversity and ecosystem services. Phlorum offers a wide range of ecology surveys, including Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (Phase 1 surveys) in southern England, across Sussex, London, Surrey, Kent, Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire.

Get in touch with our ecology experts for your FREE consultation.

Types of Ecological Surveys & Assessments

The usual process of ecological surveys for planning permission is to carry out an initial Preliminary Ecological Appraisal. From this ecological scoping survey, recommendations for habitat enhancements or, if required, further types of ecology surveys can be made. The full range of the different types of ecological surveys that we provide are outlined below.

Habitat Surveys & Reports

  • Ecological footprint and walkover surveys
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (formerly known as Phase 1 Habitat Surveys)
  • Protected Species
  • Scoping Assessments
  • National Vegetation Classification surveys
  • River Corridor Surveys
  • Tree surveys in accordance with British Standards
  • BREEAM Assessments – Ecological Assessments for BREEAM
  • Biodiversity Net Gain calculations
  • Habitat Regulation Assessments
  • Biodiversity/Ecological Management/Mitigation /Monitoring/Enhancement Plans/Strategies
  • Critical Load assessments in relation to air pollutant deposition on sensitive habitats
  • Ecological method statements for works
  • Ecological Landscaping, including habitat management, creation and mitigation
  • Planting plans
  • Ecological watching briefs (Ecological Clerk of Works – ECoW)
  • Ecological toolbox talks

In addition to these ecology surveys, many sites will have specific requirements for more specialist ecology assessments or reports. If you do not see the service you require above, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our experienced ecology consultants, who will be happy to offer advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Our Awards & Accreditations

Expert Witness Institute Logo Construction Line Logo SUSTAIN Logo PCA Logo Enviroment & Energy Awards Finalist Logo CHAS Logo ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 ISO 45001 Trustmark Logo The River restoration Logo Worksafe Logo Green growth Logo
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