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Noise and vibration monitoring

Noise & Vibration Monitoring & Assessments

We deliver tailored, cost-effective and professional solutions designed to meet your project and development needs. Our work is conducted in agreement with the requirements of appropriate regulators, such as local authorities and other statutory bodies.

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Through Phlorum’s environmental consultants and associates we are able to provide monitoring and predictive modelling of noise and vibration from a variety of sources. Some of the key areas we work in are described below:

Transport Noise

Transport noise is the number one source of noise, affecting more people around the world than any other source. As more and more people use transport, whether it’s for commuting to work, holiday or recreation, the use of road, rail and aircraft transport is set to increase. As a result, the potential significant impacts or noise and vibration from transport sources are also likely to increase.

We provide assessments to compare and provide advice on different transport scheme options/layouts, which can include assessing possible mitigation measures and the production of graphical noise maps. These reports can be provided in compliance with the Environmental Design Manual for Road and Bridges (DMRB) and for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). 

Industrial Noise

The noise generated by industrial and commercial industries can impact on other noise sensitive receptors including nearby residential properties. Phlorum can undertake the modelling and assessments to determine if an actual problem exists at the industrial/commercial premises. Then we can carry out detailed assessment to examine the source and review potential options to mitigate the noise. New development will often require a noise chapter for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and may also require noise assessment for an Environmental Permit.

Noise at Work

Noise at work is related to the noise experienced by employees during their working hours. Assessing occupational exposure levels for employees relates to the noise levels and the exposure periods of the employees to the noise. In order to reduce the exposure either: the noise level needs reducing; the exposure period needs reducing; or both are reduced. Phlorum can help employers assess the occupational noise exposure to their employees, as required under the Noise at Work Regulations.


Planning Assessments can be undertaken either as stand-alone reports or as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment. Noise and vibration assessments can be undertaken to ensure that mitigation is incorporated into the development at the design stage. Dwellings proposed in noisy areas can be assessed under PPG 24 and other relevant guidance. Once planning permission has been gained, noise related planning conditions are often attached, which may need to be discharged prior to work starting. These may require demonstrating how the noise limits will be met, such as acoustic performance of the building elements, such as glazing. Monitoring of the construction noise/vibration may also be required to ensure that these limits are met.

Construction Noise

Construction noise can often be significant and for large projects can last for a long time. As a result, under Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act (CoPA) 1974, Local Authorities are to take action where they consider that noise from construction is, or is likely to constitute a statutory nuisance. Phlorum has experience in producing and submitting “Prior consent for works on construction sites” under section 61 of CoPA, by demonstrating that they will operate Best Practicable Means (BPM). Phlorum also has extensive experience in carrying out noise and vibration monitoring of sites to ensure that agreed levels are met.

Our Awards & Accreditations

Expert Witness Institute Logo Construction Line Logo SUSTAIN Logo PCA Logo Enviroment & Energy Awards Finalist Logo CHAS Logo ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 ISO 45001 Trustmark Logo The River restoration Logo Worksafe Logo Green growth Logo
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